


写真(CNNのWill Ripleyさん) 出典はCNN

 CNNの日本駐在員であるWill Ripleyさんが震災発生4年目の福島県を訪れ、その状況を取材しました。CNNのホームページでビデオを見ることができます。そのリンクを以下に貼りました。

「Tour Fukushima disaster zone」(福島県の被災地域を巡る)


 ビデオ中の音声は英語です。私が聞き取ったものを以下に記しました。( )内は私の日本語訳です。下記内容を確認してから、上記のリンクでビデオをご覧になった方が良いかもしれません。何かしら皆様の参考になれば幸いです。

The first thing people ask about is radiation. “Is it even safe to go in when most of kept down?”


A local government tour guide says contamination levels are low, allowing a quick trip into safer parts of Fukushima prefecture still empty from the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

Nearly four years later, outside of getting a rare look at this deathly abandoned place, damage from 2011 earthquake and tsunami sits untouched. Crumbling buildings are falling further into disrepair. Weeds are slowly taking over.

“What did they say when they saw this for the first time?”
“At first they say ‘unbelievable’ .”

Nobody can live here. Not yet. Fear linger about invisible threats from radiation released by the damaged reactors. Soil and grand water is contaminated.

“Agriculture gone? Business is closed?” “Absolutely” “So what’s left?” “Nothing”

Kenichi Banba says these tours are part of the long-term plan to rebuild Fukushima prefecture. For him, a painful personal task.

“You are from Fukushima. what do you think when you look at all this damage?”
“I came here several times. Still I can not say anything. Just sad. Just sad.”

The nuclear plant is being taken apart, and it’ll take decades and billions of dollors to make it safe. I was there a few months ago, forced to wear a protective gear. It’s one of the most dangerous places on earth. And it’s visible and in the distance, far too close for many to ever feel safe here again. Survey show only about a fifth of former residents even want to come back. For many, moving on is easier than facing this.

What’s standing 2 kilometers more than a mile from the coast? It’s here the boat. It was picked up and dumped by the tsunami. Boats and cars are all over this field. Reminders of all the people who died here.

Akiko Ishizuka prays for her mother and father in law. Small shrines like this are everywhere.

“It’s spent almost 4 years, she says, and it’s still so sad to come here and remember that they are gone.”

Fukushima tour guides hope that by sharing the pride of these people, others will be inspired to come here and rebuild.

“We want to encourage local people for revitalization of Fukushima.”

They hope this school gym, graduation banner still hanging, will have students again. This dusty piano will have someone to play it. And this nuclear ghost town will someday be brought back to life.

Will Ripley CNN Fukushima Japan.
(CNNのWill Ripleyが日本の福島県からお伝えしました。)






大学卒業後、民間企業に長年勤めてきました。 英語学習に関しては殆ど独学ですが、TOEICで950点に到達しました。 このブログでは、私が効果的と考えている英語学習方法を紹介しています。 また、英語ニュースに関しても自分の考えを交えながら解説しています。 出来る限り平易に書いていますので、気軽に読んでください。