2013年12月13日、「特定秘密の保護に関する法律」(特定秘密保護法)(the secrets protection bill)が公布されました。法案審議にかけた時間は短く、政府はかなり焦って急いで法案を通そうとしていたのが印象に残っています。一刻も早く法制化したいということは、安倍政権にとってすごく重要な意味を持つことが判ります。なぜ重要なのか考えてみたいと思います。
・国権の最高機関(the highest organ of state power)である国会の調査権限(the investigative right of the National Diet)さえも制限している。
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最後に、Japan Press Weeklyの2013年10月27日付記事「What the secrets protection bill is all about」の一部を以下に引用します。このブログ記事と関連した内容ですので読んでみてください。背景知識と感情を伴いながら読めば、英単語も覚え易いし忘れにくいですよ。
「The bill the Abe government is pushing for immediate enactment will turn Japan into a nation capable of going to wars abroad with the United States. Rather than ensuring the public safety, the bill will infringe on fundamental human rights by not allowing the general public access to “classified” information.
Under the bill, the public will not have the right to know what types of information are being kept secret. Without knowing whether or not the information they seek to obtain is designated as “secret”, they will be punished. The general public will be kept in the dark of government war plans.
The bill suggests that information regarding national defense, diplomacy, prevention of specified harmful activities, and terrorism prevention will be categorized as confidential.
However, the scope of secrecy is very ambiguous. In the category of defense, for example, the bill includes operations, equipment, facilities, and various matters of the Self-Defense Forces as classified. In the category of specified harmful activities, it includes the export and import of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, rockets and missiles, and unmanned aircraft and fighters. A legal expert warns, “It would be equivalent to declaring that Japan is going to possess nuclear weapons.”
Only high-ranking officials such as the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Director-General of the National Police Agency can designate specific information as secret. They will be able to expand the scope of secret information arbitrarily.
Information designated as confidential will be kept secret for five years. The renewal or the extension of the period of secrecy is without limits. It will be possible to keep information secret for more than 30 years with Cabinet approval. On top of that, the Cabinet Information Research Office which is responsible for the bill explained that it will classify information regarding the disposal of documents or renewal of secret lists.
Government employees and government contractors who leak state secrets will face imprisonment of up to ten years. Anyone who obtains specified secrets while contacting or exchanging information between ministries and agencies can also receive a maximum of 5-year prison sentence. Those who attempt to leak information or even leak information by mistake will face punishment as well.
In addition, the bill restricts the investigative right of the National Diet, the highest organ of state power.」