2013年12月13日に公布された「特定秘密の保護に関する法律」(特定秘密保護法)(the secrets protection bill)に関して、その問題点を考えるシリーズ2回目です。
「安倍総理(Prime Minister Abe)は、日本を再び戦争が出来る国(war-fighting nation)にするつもりだ。」という主張を聞いたことがあります。安倍さんがアメリカと一緒に侵略戦争をやりたがっているのかどうかは私には判りません。しかし安倍さんは、無数に繰り返されてきた下記の歴史的事実・真理に対して認識が甘いと思います。
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最後に、Japan Press Weeklyの2013年10月27日付記事「What the secrets protection bill is all about」の一部を以下に引用します。このブログ記事と関連した内容ですので読んでみてください。背景知識と感情を伴いながら読めば、英単語も覚え易いし忘れにくいですよ。
「As Prime Minister Abe referred to it as a way to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance during his meeting with U.S. President Obama, the secrets protection bill is part of his endeavor to enable Japan to fight wars abroad together with the U.S.
The Liberal Democratic Party last year compiled an outline of a fundamental law on national security which would allow Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense. Together with a bill to set up a National Security Council, the secrets protection bill, if enacted, will fall under this fundamental law.
The ruling party’s ultimate goal is to revise Article 9 of the Constitution and to establish a national army as was pledged in the latest Lower House and Upper House elections. However, facing increasing public opposition to the moves for constitutional revision, Abe had to shift his strategy from seeking the revision of Article 9 to changing the government’s constitutional interpretation so that Japan can exercise the right to collective self-defense without revision. What Abe is attempting to accomplish is to install a legislative system necessary to operate a “war-fighting nation” before amending the Supreme Law. This strategy goes against the very notion of constitutionalism.
The establishment of a secrets protection law has been repeatedly called for not by Japanese citizens but by the United States. In 2005, the two countries agreed to share military information and strategy at all levels from their troops on the ground to national leaders. At the same time, the U.S. side urged Japan to take additional measures to prevent U.S. information from being leaked.
In 2003, the U.S. and Britain began their war against Iraq by groundlessly arguing that the country possesses weapons of mass destruction. This indicates how dangerous it is for Japan to allow U.S. military information to determine its course of action.」