2013年12月13日に公布された「特定秘密の保護に関する法律」(特定秘密保護法)(the secrets protection bill)に関して、その問題点を考えるシリーズ7回目です。
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最後に、Japan Press Weeklyの2013年10月27日付記事「What the secrets protection bill is all about」の一部を以下に引用します。このブログ記事と関連した内容ですので読んでみてください。背景知識と感情を伴いながら読めば、英単語も覚え易いし忘れにくいですよ。
「Street campaigns demanding access to information will be criminalized.
Taking as an example a civil group’s street campaign demanding access to government information at the government office district of Kasumigaseki, a group member who used a microphone to urge the government to provide information can be arrested for encouraging government employees to leak secrets, and other members will be investigated on a charge of conspiracy.
The bill even regards news reporters’ activities as subject to criminal prosecution for inciting the leakage of state secret.
If a news reporter visits a government official’s home in order to obtain information about government policies, the reporter can be accused of criminal conduct and his/her boss will be charged for abetting the collection of secret information.
The bill states that it acknowledges as “allowable” news-gathering activities other than those activities which violate laws and are carried out in an extremely aggressive manner, as if it guarantees the freedom of the press.
Lawyer Inoue Masanobu, vice director of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations’ task force on state secrets bill, pointed out, “Media people’s access to state secrets during their news-gathering activities could be regarded as a ‘crime’ of obtaining ‘specific secrets’. Law enforcement authorities and courts will decide whether media activities are ‘permissible’ or not. Even if the media win a judicial decision recognizing their activities as proper, they will receive a heavy blow due to the seizure of reporters’ personal computers and mobile phones in home searches.”」