「Rewriting the War, Japanese Right Attacks a Newspaper」(歴史を書き替える為に日本の右翼が新聞社を攻撃)
この英文記事に対して新聞読者から多数の投書が寄せられているので、以下に一部を紹介します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。
「The world should respond strongly against the Japanese elements who are directing this revisionist terrorism against truth-telling historians, journalists, and officials. Japan has been especially bad about this in recent years, with some of the worst elements suggesting that the Japanese were forced to go to war, never mind denying the war crimes they committed at places like Nanking, against “comfort women,” or hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. It’s despicable and part and parcel of people’s efforts to gloss over or expel from the record such horrors as the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust.」
「Japan has obviously not learned from their past mistakes. Very sad that they cannot admit what was done and apologize. It would be the same if America said slavery never happened.」
「Why is there no mention of the statements of the women who were victims of sex slavery at the hands of the Imperial Army? It seems quite strange that so much should hinge on the testimony of a single soldier given the chorus of voices from the victims themselves.」
「I admire Japan for many things, but this inability to own up to their history is extremely frustrating, and I believe it hurts them greatly in diminishing their standing in the world. When party A wrongs party B in an especially egregious way, there is no way for them to ever forgive and move past it until a sincere apology is issued. This is true regardless of whether you are the victim of a cheating spouse or a victim of violence – it is simply human nature. ・・・ Japan has made several half hearted apologies in the past to its Asian neighbors which were recognized as just that, half hearted.」
(長年日本に憧れてきたけど、自国の過ちを認めることができないことについては本当にイライラさせられるね。世界の中で立場が危うくなるし、日本にとってダメージが大きいと思うよ。集団Aが集団Bに対してひどい振る舞いをした場合、真摯に謝罪しない限り許すなんてことはできないよ。暴力だろうが配偶者の浮気だろうが同じこと。単純な人間の本質だよ。・・・・ 日本はアジアの近隣諸国に対して過去数回、気持ちが入っていない謝罪をしたけど、それらはやっぱり中途半端なものだと受け止められたよね。)
「Japan has contributed so much to the world and should be universally admired and respected in their region. Instead, they are forever disliked and resented, never to play the leader role that they probably deserve. Imperial Japan perpetrated unspeakably cruel violence to much of Asia, the comfort women is just one small part of the horror they wrought. Until they truly come to terms with their past, they will continue to forfeit the universal respect and admiration that modern Japan deserves.」
「What people don’t understand is that there is a growing desire in Japan to rewrite our national history and position Japan as a victim. This is a real problem because Japanese are very warm and generous to people within our own group, but unfortunately people outside of the group are treated very differently – including Korean comfort women. I am gravely concerned that once Japan manages to absolve itself of wrongdoing in World War 2, it’s only a matter of time before the Self-Defense Forces are re-oriented to focus less on defense and more on potential offense. Then it’s only a matter of time before history repeats itself.」
「This backtracking by Japan is completely unacceptable and somewhat sinister. That the leader of the country is supporting this effort is disgraceful. The existence of the Comfort Women is beyond doubt and was a widespread crime against humanity. Japan has never confronted its war crime past in the way Germany has. It needs to, and soon. No more backtracking!」
「The Japanese leadership and many Japanese are denying what happened, and they don’t allow debate as we can see in this article.」
「Let’s not gloss over the fact that the Japanese occupied Korea for 35 years against the will of the Koreans. They were forced to learn Japanese, take Japanese names, fight for them, etc. and it was only because Japan lost the war that Korea became independent. Most of the ethnic Koreans living in Japan today were brought over as forced laborers and to this day, they are discriminated against. The Japanese ability to deny historical facts may work in Japan but it doesn’t in the countries they occupied.」