





 My Modern Metというサイトが、この男性のことを記事に書いています。リンクを以下に貼ります。( )内は私の日本語訳です。


「The Selfless Hero Who Braved Radiation and Stayed Behind to Feed Fukushima’s Abandoned Animals」(放射能に晒される危険を冒して福島県に留まり、置き去りにされた動物たちの面倒をみる:英雄の献身的な行動)

 上記リンク英文記事の一部を以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にしてください。

「Thousands of citizens evacuated the area after the government established a 12.5-mile exclusion zone around the nuclear plant due to concerns over radiation exposure.」

「Fifth-generation farmer Naoto Matsumura was one of the many residents of Tomioka who left the town. He headed south with his parents, but after being turned away at his aunt’s door for fear of radiation contamination, and after finding refugee camps to be overly crowded with little resources to spare, Matsumura decided to return home to Tomioka to check on his family farm’s animals.」

「What he found was a desolate nuclear wasteland devoid of any signs of life—all except for the animals.」

「As people had fled the town, many had left behind pets and livestock like dogs, cats, cows, ducks, a pony, and even ostriches.」

「Our dogs didn’t get fed for the first few days. When I did eventually feed them, the neighbors’ dogs started going crazy. I went over to check on them and found that they were all still tied up. Everyone in town left thinking they would be back home in a week or so, I guess. From then on, I fed all the cats and dogs every day. They couldn’t stand the wait, so they’d all gather around barking up a storm as soon as they heard my truck. Everywhere I went there was always barking. Like, ‘we’re thirsty’ or, ‘we don’t have any food.’ So I just kept making the rounds.”」

「His food comes mostly in cans imported from outside the exclusion zone, and he relies on donations to support himself and the animals.」

「In the meantime, all he can do is his best to keep his community alive as the last remaining citizen in the town, in spite of Japanese officials’ insistence that he evacuate the area.」

「We have all been abandoned by the government」「So the animals and I are staying here.」






大学卒業後、民間企業に長年勤めてきました。 英語学習に関しては殆ど独学ですが、TOEICで950点に到達しました。 このブログでは、私が効果的と考えている英語学習方法を紹介しています。 また、英語ニュースに関しても自分の考えを交えながら解説しています。 出来る限り平易に書いていますので、気軽に読んでください。