写真(ネバダ州の核実験に抗議する人達)出典:Peter Drekmeier (Mark Bult), creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0
IPPNW(=International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War:核戦争防止国際医師会議)が関連記事を書いています。以下にリンクを貼ります。
上記リンク英文記事の一部を以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にしてください。
「The Nevada Test Site, located about 105 km northwest of Las Vegas, was the largest and most important nuclear weapons test site in the U.S.. From 1951 until 1992, a total of 1,021 nuclear tests were conducted on the 3,500 km2 site: 100 above and 921 below ground. These tests released an estimated 222,000 Peta-Becquerel (Peta = quadrillion) of radioactive material into the atmosphere.」
「According to declassified documents of the Federal Civil Defense Administration, many of the tests were conducted specifically in order to determine the effects of nuclear fallout on the American public. As scientists found radioactive strontium in deciduous teeth of children in the U.S. and as rates of childhood leukemia and other cancers increased, public pressure began to grow to stop nuclear weapons testing.」
(国土安全保障省の前身機関により保管されて機密解除された資料によると、放射性粉塵がアメリカ国民にどのような影響を与えるのか調べるのが唯一の目的だった実験も多い。 放射性ストロンチウムを子供の乳歯から科学者が発見したり、小児性白血病や他癌の発生率が増えるに従い、核兵器実験の中止を求める国民の声が大きくなり始めた。)
「In 1963, President Kennedy signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, which put an end to atmospheric tests at the Nevada site. Underground nuclear testing continued until 1992, however, and accidents continued to occur frequently: on December 18, 1970, for example, the underground “Baneberry” test of a 10-kiloton bomb released a plume of radioactive dust, which caused radioactive fallout to rain down on the test site personnel for many hours. An estimated total of 247 PBq of radioactive material was released, including 3 PBq of iodine-131. The radioactive plume continued to deposit fallout over northeast California, northern Nevada, southern Idaho and some eastern sections of Oregon and Washington.」
「In the 1950s, people living close to the test site were encouraged to watch the nuclear tests from their porches. Many were given radiation badges by the Atomic Energy Commission, so that their exposure dose could be recorded for field studies on the effects of nuclear fallout. Due to prevailing wind currents, the inhabitants of Utah were among those most affected by radioactive fallout.」
「Radioactive particles such as iodine-131 can enter the body through contaminated air, food or drink and can lead to cancer once incorporated. Children in the small town of St. George, Utah may have received thyroid doses of up to 1.2–4.4 Sievert. Subsequent epidemiological studies have shown a significant rise in the incidence of leukemia and thyroid cancer in the populations living downwind from the nuclear testing site.」
(ヨウ素131のような放射性物質に空気・食料・飲み物が汚染されると、人体に取り込まれて癌を誘発する。ユタ州の小さな町であるSt. Georgeでは、子供たちが最大1.2〜4.4シーベルトを甲状腺に被爆した可能性がある。後に行われた疫学的研究によると、核実験場の風下住民の間で白血病や甲状腺癌が顕著に増加した。)
「According to the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. population was exposed to a total dose of 4,000,000 Person-Sievert of iodine-131 through the nuclear weapon tests in Nevada – about 500 times the total radiation dose of Chernobyl (7,300 PSv). A study Drafted in 1999 estimated that the expected cases of thyroid cancer due to the Nevada nuclear weapons tests amount to 10,000–75,000. Another report, Drafted in 2006, found that 1,800 radiation-related leukemia deaths could be expected in the U.S. as a result of the Nevada nuclear weapons tests. Despite these alarming findings, no routine thyroid cancer screenings are undertaken in the affected regions.」
「In 1990, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act was passed in order to compensate Downwinders for diseases that could be traced back to radiation exposure. Due to bureaucratic hurdles and a lack of large-scale scientific research, many of the casualties of nuclear weapons testing are finding it difficult to actually receive compensation. The Hibakusha of Nevada feel left alone with the legacy of nuclear testing.」