写真(ブラックヒルズのウラン採掘現場立ち入り禁止表示)出典:James Ruddy
写真(ブラックヒルズ国立森林公園。ウランを初め天然資源が豊富だ。)出典:Navin75 / creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0
IPPNW(=International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War:核戦争防止国際医師会議)が、アメリカ国内のウラン採掘場に関して記事を書いています。以下にリンクを貼ります。
上記リンク英文記事の一部を以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にしてください。
「Because of their enormous amount of natural resources, the Black Hills have been extensively mined for centuries.」
「Apart from gold mining, which still plays an important role in the region today, the discovery of uranium in the 1950s has had an immense impact on the life of the Lakota. Between 1951 and 1964, the yield of the mines in the region exceeded 680,000 kg of yellowcake, the refined uranium dust needed for nuclear warheads and reactors.」
「In the 1980s, environmentalist groups managed to stop uranium mining in the area. Because of regulations and limited efforts to rehabilitate the region, however, the abandoned mines were never properly sealed or protected from leaks and spills.」
「According to the environmentalist organization “Defenders of the Black Hills,” there are hundreds of these unsealed mines, as well as thousands of exploration wells and drill holes, some more than 200 m deep, scattered all across the four-state area. Many are filled with water and there is the constant danger of leaks and spills into the surrounding creeks that can potentially contaminate underground aquifers or the larger Cheyenne and Missouri rivers.」
「Field studies in the years 1999–2000 found radiation doses of 40 mSv/h, or about 200–400 times natural background radiation. After the U.S. Geological Survey found elevated concentrations of dissolved uranium in the Arikaree aquifer below the Lakota reservation of Pine Ridge, the local council asked the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to investigate water and air samples. They found increased concentrations of alpha emitters in drinking water supplies as well as unhealthy levels of radon gas in private residences at Pine Ridge.」
(1999年から2000年にかけて行われた現地調査により、自然界の通常放射線レベルの200〜400倍に当たる40 mSv/hが検出された。Pine Ridgeのラコタ保護区下にあるArikaree地下水脈でウラン濃度が上昇していることをアメリカ地質調査所が発見した後、地元委員会がアメリカ毒性物質疾病登録機関に対して水・大気の調査依頼をした。その結果、飲料水のアルファ線レベルが増加している他、Pine Ridge居住区のラドンガス濃度が異常であることが判った。)
「The “Defenders of the Black Hills” also conducted their own investigations in cooperation with Energy Laboratories and detected alpha emitters exceeding recommended dose levels. Drinking this water and ingesting the radioactive particles can cause cancer and other diseases.」
「Within the reservation, an extremely high number of people suffer from cancer, diabetes and kidney failure. High incidences of stillbirths, miscarriages and deformities are also reported among the population of the Black Hills. Beyond the small preliminary air- and water-studies however, no investigations of the evident health problems of Pine Ridge residents have been undertaken so far.」
(保護区ではかなり多くの人が、癌・糖尿病・腎臓障害を患っている。またブラックヒルズでは死産・流産・奇形が高い率で見られる。水や大気の予備的調査は行われたが、Pine Ridge住民の健康問題を明らかにするための調査は未実施だ。)
「In 2011, the Canadian company Powertech announced plans to restart uranium mining in the Black Hills near Edgemont.」
「In addition to the social and economic problems of reservation life, the Lakota suffer from the legacy of four decades of uranium mining. To this day, there has not been an adequate scientific workup of the Lakotas health problems. Therefore, the effects of further radioactive contamination of the region through continued uranium mining cannot even be predicted.」
「What can be said with certainty, however, is that the health of the local population has been sacrificed for the profits of the nuclear industry. Like so many people around the world, who are suffering from the industry’s endless appetite for cheap uranium for its warheads and power plants, the Lakota, too, can rightly be called Hibakusha.」