









 こういう時は、過去の類似事故の情報を調べるのが一番手っ取り早く確実です。チェルノブイリ原発事故が起きた1986年から25年が経過した2011年、IPPNW(=International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War:核戦争防止国際医師会議)が健康への影響に関して論文を出しています。以下にリンクを貼ります。


Health Effects of Chernobyl 25 years after the reactor catastrophe

 IPPNW:核戦争防止国際医師会議は、IAEA(= International Atomic Energy Agency:国際原子力機関)やWHO(= World Health Organization:世界保健機関)などの原発利権団体と距離を置いています。まあまあ、信頼できるのではないかと私は判断しています。

 上記リンク英文資料は合計65ページです。P5〜P7に、健康への影響が列挙されているので、その一部を以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にしてください。

「Numerous research findings showing chromosome aberrations in the children of liquidators and mothers who were not exposed to radiation are available in the research centres of all three affected republics (Moscow, Minsk, Kiev).」

「It was found that the incidence of non-cancerous disease had increased; mainly cardiovascular and stomach diseases, and cases of neurological-psychiatric illness were found to be a somatic effect of low-level radiation. The latter was observed mainly during research on liquidators and their children.」

「According to figures given by the Russian authorities, more than 90% of the liquidators have become invalids; i.e. at least 740,000 severely ill liquidators. They are aging prematurely, and a higher than average number have developed various forms of cancer, leukaemia, somatic and neurological psychiatric illnesses. A very large number have cataracts. Due to long latency periods, a significant increase in cancers is to be expected in the coming years.」

「Independent studies estimate that 112,000 to 125,000 liquidators will have died by 2005.」

「Available studies estimated the number of fatalities amongst infants as a result of Chernobyl to be about 5000.」

「Genetic and teratogenic damage (malformations) have also risen significantly not only in the three directly affected countries but also in many European countries. In Bavaria alone, between 1000 and 3000 additional birth deformities have been found since Chernobyl. We fear that in Europe more than 10,000 severe abnormalities could have been radiation induced. The estimated figure of unreported cases is high, given that even the IAEA came to the conclusion that there were between 100,000 and 200,000 abortions in Western Europe because of the Chernobyl catastrophe.」

「According to UNSCEAR between 12,000 and 83,000 children were born with congenital deformations in the region of Chernobyl, and around 30,000 to 207,000 genetically damaged children worldwide. Only 10% of the overall expected damage can be seen in the first generation.」

「In the aftermath of Chernobyl not only was there an increase in the incidence of stillbirths and malformations in Europe, but there was also a shift in the ratio of male and female embryos. Significantly fewer girls were born after 1986. A paper by Kristina Voigt, Hagen Scherb also showed that after 1968, in the aftermath of Chernobyl, around 800,000 fewer children were born in Europe than one might have expected. Scherb estimated that, as the paper did not cover all countries, the overall number of “missing” children after Chernobyl could be about one million. Similar effects were also observed following above-ground nuclear weapons tests.」
(チェルノブイリ原発事故後、ヨーロッパでは死産や奇形の比率が高まっただけでなく、胎児の男女比にも変化が生じてしまった。1986年の原発事故以降、誕生する女児の数が大幅に減った。Kristina VoigtとHagen Scherbの論文でも、ヨーロッパでは原発事故発生により出生数が約80万人減少したことが示されている。この論文は全ての国を網羅できていないことを考慮すると、チェルノブイリ原発事故で失われた子供の総数は約100万人に達するだろうとScherbは推計している。大気中の核兵器実験でも類似の影響が確認されている。)

「On the basis of observed cases of thyroid cancer in Belarus and Ukraine, Malko (2007) calculated the number of future cases that might be expected, and then added the radiation factor. He arrived at the figure of 92,627 cases of thyroid cancer between 1986 and 2056. This calculation does not include cases of thyroid cancer among liquidators.」


「In Germany, scientists found a significant increase in trisomy 21 in newly-born children in the nine months following Chernobyl. This trend was especially marked in West Berlin and South Germany.」

「Orlov and Shaversky reported on a series of 188 brain tumours amongst children under three in Ukraine. Before Chernobyl (1981 to 1985) 9 cases were counted, not even two a year. In the period 1986-2002 the number rose to 179 children diagnosed with brain tumours – more than ten per year.」
(ウクライナの3歳以下の子供に発生した脳腫瘍188件について、Orlov と Shaverskyは報告書にまとめている。チェルノブイリ原発事故以前の1981年から1985年では脳腫瘍が9件発生しているが、これは年間2件にも満たない。1986年〜2002年では、脳腫瘍と診断された子供が179人に増えている。年間にすると10件以上だ。)

「In the more contaminated areas of South Germany a significant cluster of a very rare type of tumour was found in children, so.called neuroblastoma.」

「A paper Drafted by the Chernobyl Ministry in Ukraine registered a multiplication of the cases of disease of the endocrine system (25-fold from 1987 to 1992), the nervous system (6-fold), the circulatory system (44-fold), the digestive organs (60-fold), the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue (50 times higher), the muscular-skeletal system and psychological dysfunctions (53-fold). The number of healthy people among evacuees sank from 1987 to 1996 from 59 % to 18%. Among the population of the contaminated areas from 52% to 21% and –particularly dramatic – among the children who were not directly affected themselves by Chernobyl fallout but their parents were exposed to high levels of radiation, the numbers of healthy children sank from 81% to 30% in 1996.」

「It has been reported for several years that type I diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) has risen sharply amongst children and adolescents.」

「Non-cancerous diseases greatly outnumber the more spectacular cases of leukaemia and cancer.」






大学卒業後、民間企業に長年勤めてきました。 英語学習に関しては殆ど独学ですが、TOEICで950点に到達しました。 このブログでは、私が効果的と考えている英語学習方法を紹介しています。 また、英語ニュースに関しても自分の考えを交えながら解説しています。 出来る限り平易に書いていますので、気軽に読んでください。