











もしもオリンピックを秋などの涼しい時期に開催すると、他の人気スポーツ番組の視聴率(viewing rate)を下げる原因になる。オリンピックのテレビ視聴率を抑制する原因にもなる。結果、スポンサー収入が落ちてしまう。


IOCは、アメリカテレビネットワークから支払われる放映権料(broadcasting rights fees)に依存しているので視聴率を高くした方が収入が多くなる。



 オリンピック憲章(The Olympic Charter)の精神に従って、安全という目に見えにくい部分をもう一度考え直す時期に来ています。

 最後に、Japan Press Weeklyの2014年7月30日付記事「Tokyo’s extreme summer heat may adversely affect Olympic athletes」を以下に引用します。上記の私の考えを参考にしながら読んでみてください。背景知識と感情を伴いながら読めば、見知らぬ英単語も覚え易いし忘れにくいですよ。

「The 2020 Summer Olympics is to take place in Tokyo from July 24 to August 9. There is growing concern that Tokyo’s fierce heat may seriously affect athletes’ health.
The temperature high on July 24 this year, which corresponds to the day the opening ceremony will be held six years from now, was 34.6 degrees Celsius. On that evening, the National Athletic Stadium and nearby vicinities in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward experienced a severe thunderstorm which lasted about two hours.
The temperature high was over 35 degrees on July 25 and 26. After that, it continued topping 30 degrees for two weeks. During this protracted period of time, the temperature often remained above 30 degrees from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The guidelines for preventing heatstroke issued by the Japan Sports Association (JASA) state that physical exercises should be stopped in temperatures of 35 degrees or higher. It also advises avoiding strenuous exercises such as long-distance running when the temperature exceeds 31 degrees.
Oshiro Tamae, a 38-year-old amateur runner who ran a full marathon three times, said, “It is difficult for even top athletes to exercise their abilities to the utmost under hot weather. Japan’s sports authorities should consider choosing another time to hold the event.”
The 1964 Tokyo Olympics took place in October in balmy weather conditions. The 1988 Seoul Games were also held from mid-September to the beginning of October.
Since the 1990s, however, all Summer Games other than the 2000 Sydney Olympics have taken place during the hot season. This is because the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has requested the cities bidding to host the Olympics to hold them in the summertime.
Regarding the IOC’s intention, Ogawa Masaru, a Japanese sportswriter, pointed to the fact that the international organization has heavily depended on broadcasting rights fees from American TV networks.
In the United States, four major sports are very popular: American football, basketball, ice hockey, and baseball. Except for Major League Baseball, the other three sports are in their off-season in the summer. If TV stations televise the Olympic Games in the summer, they can make lucrative contracts with sponsors as the viewing rate is expected to go up.
The Olympic Charter requires the IOC to work to protect athletes’ health as well as to oppose any attempts to utilize them for commercial purposes.
In accordance with this charter’s spirit, the organizers of the Tokyo Olympics should review the way to hold the event, including a change in its timing.」






大学卒業後、民間企業に長年勤めてきました。 英語学習に関しては殆ど独学ですが、TOEICで950点に到達しました。 このブログでは、私が効果的と考えている英語学習方法を紹介しています。 また、英語ニュースに関しても自分の考えを交えながら解説しています。 出来る限り平易に書いていますので、気軽に読んでください。