Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Press conference at Japanese Liberal Democratic Party headquarters, Tokyo, Japan – 15 Dec 2014
The day after a landslide victory in the general election, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is also president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, expresses his determination to forge ahead with his economic policy ‘Abenomics’
「Shinzo Abe has restate his aim of watering down Japan’s pacifist constitution.」(安倍総理は平和憲法改悪の目論見を再び口にした。)
上記リンクの記事から主要部分を以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にして下さい。
「Japan’s re-elected prime minister, Shinzo Abe, has said he is determined to rewrite the country’s pacifist constitution – drawing an immediate sour response from China.」
「A day after securing another four years in office with Sunday’s landslide election victory, Abe signalled he would pursue his long-cherished goal of changing the US-authored constitution.」
「Abe, a conservative, has made no secret of his desire to remove what he regards as unfair constraints on Japan’s military, seven decades after its surrender at the end of a war that saw it occupy neighbours including China and attack countries further afield in the Pacific.」
「“Revising the constitution has always been an objective since the Liberal Democratic party was launched,” Abe told reporters.」
「Abe made the economy the focus of his election campaign, rather than any desire to end Japan’s era of constitutional pacifism.」
「Amid the lowest turnout since the end of the second world war, his Liberal Democratic party and its junior coalition partner Komeito retained their two-thirds majority in the lower house, enabling them to push legislation through both houses of parliament with ease.」
「While the subject has divided the public, Abe at least appears to have enough backing among MPs. A poll by Kyodo found that more than 80% of candidates elected on Sunday supported amending the constitution.」
「Japan’s relations with China have deteriorated amid a dispute over sovereignty of the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands and attempts by Abe to sanitise the record of Japanese troops in China and other parts of the Asian mainland before and during the war.」