The Economistという英字紙が否定的な見通し、及び、その理由について述べています。
上記リンクの記事から該当部分を抜き出して以下に引用します。( )内は私の日本語訳です。参考にしてください。
「Amending the constitution requires a two-thirds vote from both houses of the Diet, as well as a majority in a national referendum.」
「Mr Abe pledged this week to “deepen national understanding” of the need for Japan to pen its own document, including rewriting the stipulations on pacifism.」
「Such a drive would prove a huge distraction, and would be unlikely to succeed.」
「The newly strengthened Komeito, backed by a large Buddhist organisation, has a strongly pacifist streak.」
「Some of Mr Abe’s allies with even weirder views than his of Japan’s wartime history fared badly in the election.」
「The hard-right Party for Future Generations, led by the 82-year old Shintaro Ishihara, a cantankerous former Tokyo governor, was all but wiped out.」
「Meanwhile the pacifist Japanese Communist Party more than doubled its presence in the Diet, to 21 seats.」
「Despite Mr Abe’s majority in the Diet, this (plus his falling ratings) will constrain his ability to carry out a project that most Japanese do not want.」
「The hope is that he will swiftly grasp this.」